‘Justice Scales’. Rock, Bitumen Road, flouro lights, wire, Yacca flower, wooden spear.
‘Untitled’ Cibachrome, glass, metal, light.
‘Baggage’ Various works from Jukurrpa collaboration, Alice Springs
‘Sacred Cow’. Painted suitcase, Airplane headphones
‘Untitled’ Various materials. Cairns Regional Gallery
‘Who’s The Clown?’ Mounted board, plaster, shark jaws
‘Who’s the Clown?’ detail
‘Suna Iruka’ front door. Yurinkan Art Centre, Kiryu
Still from ‘Suna Iruka’ Mixed media with Koji Yamada and Satoko Ouchi
‘Embryonic Avatar’ Various media and performance. KickArts Gallery Space. Cairns
Embryonic Avatar detail
Deanna Maich. Oil pastel. Blunt Edge of Portraiture
‘Ropehands’ Working image pencil on paper for ‘Destructed Text’ series
In progress installation. Melbourne Art Rooms as part of ‘Tropicana’